How To Astral Project....Easily.

  • 12 years ago
Ok....since making this video I've started to research it online for the first time. What have I learned? By repeating a sentence you begin to "meditate" you enter an "altered state of Consciousness". And then once there you can with some effort.....leave your body. I know this isn't bull because I've done it.....well almost. The vibration scared me back. But if you look at people who practice this they fully describe the vibrations and say how you should ignore them to I was seconds away from stepping out.

A few people are mentioning Inception to me. I haven't heard of it or seen it yet.

I believe the being awake while falling asleep part is safe. But stepping out of your body....I'm not 100% sure on that part. is a link that I just found while uploading the video....that explains what I'm talking about...and also reconfirmed for me that this shit is real...since it describes something that I've done before in detail. It's real.


Another cool website which someone gave to me talks about Lucid Dreaming which is very similar and probably just as cool:

