iPad Vs. Windows 8 Tablet PCs

  • 12 years ago
http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2012/03/26/can-windows-8-tablets-compete-with-the-ipad/ - Microsoft is putting a lot on the table with the upcoming release of Windows 8. Not only will it be the most significant change to the platform's UI since Windows 95 first appeared almost 20 years ago, but it also signals the latest in a long history of attempts by Microsoft to get a firm grip on the tablet and mobile markets. Currently, the iPad holds rank at an astounding 96% of all enterprise tablet computer purchases, and Microsoft wants nothing more than to grab some of this very profitable market for itself. Mobile phones are also an area in which Microsoft is losing ground, with the iPhone holding 53% of the enterprise market Can Windows 8 tablets compete with the iPad?

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