Classic Game Room - BINARY DOMAIN review

  • 12 years ago
Binary Domain review. Classic Game Room reviews BINARY DOMAIN for PlayStation 3 PS3 from Sega (also available for Xbox 360). Time to shoot some robots!! Binary Domain is a sci-fi shooter where you play as a team sent into Japan to stop a maniac making robots who look like humans and think they're human! CGR Binary Domain video review features Binary Domain gameplay on PS3 (also available for Xbox 360). Binary Domain succeeds with a great storyline and excellent storytelling. Characters are fun and likable with cheesy dialog reminiscent of good, old school B-movies and throwbacks to numerous science fiction films. Binary Domain has the option to give voice commands to your teammates which doesn't work terribly well in my opinion, you can give similar commands using button controls that seem to work fairly well. Fans of other sci-fi shooters like Sega's own Vanquish should really enjoy this fantasy romp through the future filled with robots and action! CGR Binary Domain video review features Binary Domain gameplay.
