CGRundertow CHOCOLATE CASTLE for PC Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Chocolate Castle Review. CGRundertow presents a video game review of Chocolate Castle from Lexaloffle on the PC! This was part of, along with the other games from Lexaloffle, the Humble Voxtron Bundle. The Humble Bundle is a great charity service and something you should consider supporting when you can. Chocolate Castle sadly does not teach you how to assembled a kingdom out of wonderful chocolate, but is a fantastic sliding block puzzle game. Animals eat connected pieces of chocolate, and your goal is to consume every ounce of chocolate in the castle. There's a cat with explosive Turkish Delight, snakes, iceblocks, and fun to be found inside Chocolate Castle. This video game review of Chocolate Castle for the PC features video game footage of Chocolate Castle and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Jonathan.

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