Venice the Series - Web Series Episode 2 Season 2

  • 12 years ago
Episode 2 of the web series begins as Owen (Galen Gering) awakens the morning after his romantic evening with Sami (Gina Tognoni) to voice-mails that his father (Jordan Clarke) is in the hospital. Later, Sami ends up on the beach reading a book where she first becomes acquainted with Van (Wes Ramsey). Guya (Hillary B. Smith) catches has another brief encounter with the mysterious woman (Liz Keifer). Katherine (Tina Sloan) finds herself intrigued with a woman in the restaurant and rehearses lines in her head when an unaware Alan (Michael Sabatino) walks up and interrupts the moment. Gina (Crystal Chappell) and Jamie (Harrison White) share a walk on the beach discussing the tragic evening before and all of the details. As Gina leans on Jamie for support, he reveals that he knows the deceased woman's identity. Just as he reveals her colorful alias, they break out into hysterical laughter. Later, while kneeling in the sand on the beach, Gina looks up to see Ani (Jessica Leccia).
