Anxiety in Sports

  • 12 years ago
90% of all athletes experience anxiety in sports.

The old way is to distract or find some willpower to push through the negative emotions. The new way is to MASTER your emotional responses and own them. This video gives you the only permanent solution. Everything else is temporary!

Did you know that 90% of all athletes, young and old, experience performance anxiety that holds them back from playing their best? Well, what is performance anxiety? It's simply FEAR and this is what causes all the negative self-talk, weak discipline, and nervousness that destroys performances.

When I ask athletes what are you afraid of, they almost always respond with something like: failing, making a mistake, or choking in competition. What if athletes stopped fearing their emotions and learned to master them instead? You got it, Fear goes away...and so does performance anxiety. Start with an attitude that says: "Bring it on, I can handle anything."