Accidental Encounter Paintings by Fran Beallor

  • 12 years ago
Accidental Encounter Paintings by Fran Beallor - as part of the series on arts by GeoBeats.

My name is Fran Beallor and I am a representational painter in New York City. And the three paintings that I am about to talk about are all part of a series of paintings that I call the “Accidental Encounter Series”. The paintings in that series all have some of these elements: reflective vases, toys and falling objects. This painting is called “Mysterious Entry” and it is a deceptively simple painting because it is a picture of a vase and a doll. But because the vase is reflective, my entire studio is incorporated into the painting making it more than just a simple still life. It is actually a pretty complex piece. One of the things that excited me about this painting is that when I set it up, and this was one of the wonderful accidents that happens in art, I noticed that the figure in the vase looked like he was walking through the door and so I insinuated that and I called the painting “Mysterious Entry”.

This painting is called “Accidental Encounter” and it is the only painting in the series that actually has all of the three elements. The reflective vase, the toys and the falling objects. This was an interesting painting to do because in order to paint everything falling through space I had to tie up the dolls with strings. I had them like marionettes hanging and I also had to build a special armature to hold the vase. It was a construction of cardboard and wood and the vase was pretty heavy I did not want it to fall. And then you can see that I am in the vase and I am reaching my hands out to grab the vase. Well of course I could not paint my right hand; I am right handed so I had to do my left hand backwards. The painting presented some challenges and once again you can see that my whole studio is reflected in the vase. The third painting came about because after doing several of the falling object paintings I thought well, what happens after they fall? So this painting “Falling Angel” is a representation of what happened.
