Drs Erica Bongers presents iFarming at Viv India 2012

  • 12 years ago

iFarming In 2030 India will be the most populated country supporting 18% of people in the world, which will be more than China. To feed all these people, intensive livestock farming in India has to become more efficient. Fancom can help this happen through iFarming. Through information gathered from Climate, Feed and Biometrics systems it is possible for the Farmer to gain insight into what is going on in his Poultry houses.

This sampled data is not only important to the farmer but it also helps him present a more informed assessment when talking to his consultants like Vetinaries or Feed providers. Another key area is the ability to predict when the animals are ready for slaughter, providing the right weight on the right day to achieve his maximum profit.

On 22 February 2012 I will visit Viv India in Bangalore to give a presentation on this subject. If you would like to meet me please contact ebongers@fancom.com
