Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Chunxiang Dies from Torture

  • 13 years ago
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In China's Liaoning Province, a female Falun Gong practitioner died after five years of torture in prison, according to the official source of the Falun Gong human rights crisis in China, the Falun Dafa Information Center.

Fifty-five-year-old Wang Chunxiang was first abducted by plainclothes police in October 2006. Shortly after, she was sentenced in a sham trial to eight years behind bars and sent to Liaoning Province Women's Prison.

In prison, Wang was badly tortured and denied medical attention. Eyewitnesses report guards ordered inmates to beat her up. She was also locked up in an ice-cold warehouse.

[Erping Zhang, Falun Dafa Information Center Spokesman]:
"Over the next five years her health has been deteriorating due to torture, while she was being held in detention. And later on around September 25th, 2011 the prison authorities finally alerted her family members she had died."

Authorities told her family she died from a heart attack, but refused to provide any hospital paperwork supporting that claim. They saw her body looked just skin and bones.

Wang is the 54th Falun Gong practitioner that has died from persecution since January 2011. Falun Gong is a peaceful meditation practice based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. The Chinese regime has been persecuting practitioners since 1999.

Zhang says the persecution is as severe now as it was at the beginning.

[Erping Zhang, Falun Dafa Information Center Spokesman]:
"The persecution is the same and it is as brutal and relentless as ever, and the death of Ms. Wang Chunxiang is an example of that."
