Eye Surgeon Hamden CT, Children's Eye Care, Dr.Jeffrey D. Gold

  • 13 years ago
Ophthalmologist Hamden CT, Dr. Jeffrey D. Gold provides special eye exams to detect vision problems in children. Babies old enough to play games, are shown flash cards with pictures and stripes, to determine the baby's acuity. Vision exams with a light shone into the pupil estimates the prescription lenses needed for far sightedness or near sightedness. Screening for pediatric Cancer and eye coordination prevents long term vision impairment which can affect learning, and social experiences. Children under the age of 1 years old, are given eye exams to detect and treat cancer and glaucoma specifically afflicting children's visual health. Eye glasses for children are now a fashion statement. A follow-up exam is scheduled to evaluate the prescription glasses, as clearer vision boosts confidence and accomplishment. For more information on pediatric eye care by opthamologists, please visit http://www.youtube.com/my_videos
