Bhutan Prepares for Royal Wedding

  • 13 years ago
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Excitement brews in Bhutan as the country makes preparations for a royal wedding. King Wangchuk is set to marry in a traditional ceremony. Here's more.

Young Bhutanese children practice their choreography ahead of Thursday's big event - a royal wedding.

The capital city of Thimpu is gripped with excitement as 31-year-old Oxford educated King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk prepares to marry 21-year-old student Jetsun Pema.

The King was crowned in 2008, and has since gained great popularity after ditching the reclusive and elitist image of previous monarchs.

The leader of the opposition of the country's first democratically elected parliament said the whole country is excited about the wedding.

[Tshering Tobgay, Leader of the Opposition]:
"Every citizen is excited, all of us are so happy. We are happy for our king, we are happy for our royal family. We are happy for the royal wedding, for what it represents - the continuity of our monarchy."

One Buddhist monk went even further when describing the importance of the King to the citizens of Bhutan.

Sangey Chhopel, Buddhist Monk]:
"We consider our King to be our God, we see it as a very good development. He has been very good for his people in the past and it bodes well for our future as well. We look at this wedding as a very positive step and even the new queen is very nice."

The fairytale wedding is expected to be a traditional ceremony that will be kept low key - in keeping with the King's policy of avoiding extravagant expenses.