Pike on the Static Trapeze - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
Pike on the Static Trapeze - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Randy is going to be demonstrating a pike on the static trapeze. This can also be done on a basic pull up bar. First you want to reach up and grab about shoulder width apart, with your thumbs around the bar, shoulders down, suck your belly in, back straight, toes pointed straight down to the ground, and your going to lift your legs up as high as you can with your legs staying straight and your toes pointed. Good. Now bring them down. Now, if this is too difficult for you, you can do what I call, “The Chair.” You have a 90 degree angle from your hips and knees, you want to straighten one leg at a time, trying not to let that leg drop. So try to keep your knees at the same height. OK. And that is the pike and the chair, alternating legs. And this works out all over your body, quads, upper body, shoulders, fore-arms, and abs, and your entire body.
