Choosing a Big Dog Vs. Small Dog

  • 13 years ago
Big Dog Vs. Small Dog - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. When we determine what size dog is appropriate for your needs, we want to look at the size of the home that you live in. If you are an apartment dweller versus you have a big yard and a normal house, those things will certainly make a criteria difference. If you simply want a dog to come home and say hello to you in the evening and it does not require a lot of energy and out let, then a basset hound or a bull dog might be the appropriate choice. Be a great apartment dog, as well. But if you want a breed that is more incline to be protective and has higher degree of energy and drive, maybe a Doberman pincher or a Rottweiler or a German Sheppard. So, looking at your lifestyle and your activity level, as well as researching your breeds, temperaments, and physical needs is going to be important.


