Tofu Vs. Tempeh Vs. Seitan

  • 13 years ago
Understanding Tofu, Tempeh and Seitan - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. You may ask, what's the difference between tofu, seitan and tempah. You may ask the difference between Tofu, Seitan and tempeh. Tofu and Tempeh are both soy products. The difference is that tofu is a processed soy product. It is actually made from soy milk that has been curdled and pressed. Tempeh is made from whole soy beans that have been fermented with a type of mold, sounds icky, but it is actually, it is not bad for you. Think of it like blue cheese which is mold too. They do taste very different. Tofu has a softer texture. There are different types of tofu. The tofu that you get in your miso is a soft silken tofu, which is very different to this one. You can actually use this in firmer dishes, make a tofu ricotta from it, that kind of thing. It goes great with Asian food because it really does need to have strong flavors. Tempeh has a kind of sweet earthy taste to it. I think this works really well with Asian sauces as well and actually it makes great fake bacon and barbeque sauce. It is delicious as a barbeque dish. Seitan is completely different. It is made from the protein of wheat. Like for example, if I had 8 cups of flour and I kneaded it and then I washed away all the starch, I would be left with, about a quarter of it would end up being seitan. Seitan is sort of a weird rubbery texture but that is why a lot of people like it because it is almost like meat-like because it has that chewy texture to it. It does not really have a flavor so much. You have to simmer it in a strong flavored broth to get the flavor. Now, the best way to use these, as I said before they are great with Asian sauces or strong flavors. Seitan absorbs flavors really well. It is like a little sponge so it is great for, like, I use this in like stews and things. Tofu and tempeh do not absorb flavors as much as this does. That is why I think that they work well with Asian dishes so that the strong ginger and soy flavors can coat these 2 soy products. So, if you have never tried these before, I think they are worth giving a go!
