Play Clay

  • 13 years ago
At a discount here:
A natural play clay made by Mama K's, this set of five is made with essential oils and ingredients you understand. Gluten-free, vegan and non-toxic, this playclay is great for kids or even for your office to relieve stress.

Here are some highligths from Mama K:
- 100 % natural Kid-safe clay and with subtle aromatherapy oils to soothe the mind. Ingredients are basic and natural: certified gluten free flour, extra virgin olive oil, vegetable colorants and pure essential oils. Available in seven scents, including soothing lavender, relaxing chamomile and tension-easing bergamot.
- Mama K's Play Clay is suitable for kids with Celiac and Autism Spectrum disorders because of its ingredients. The founder, Kari (aka Mama K), created her unique scented play clay for use with her own active three-year-old, Olimpia. She wanted to avoid the artificial ingredients and cloying fruit and soda scents seen frequently marketed to children, so she came up with a product that inspires focus and creates a calming atmosphere, all while encouraging creativity.

If you were ever like me as a kid (and now an adult) you'll also love to play with this.

And you ever thought of giving your kid a play clay, this is one of the best playclay's available for sale, you can even leave them alone so you can go play ;-)
