Ghost in the Convent of St. Claire, Dubrovnik

  • 13 years ago
Ghost caught on security surveillance camera in Visia Dubrovnik Multimedia Museum located in the Convent of St. Claire, Dubrovnik.

Time: 07:06:10
Date: 25-08-2011

Short history on the convent:

"On the south side of the Pile Gates, next to the Great Onofrio Fountain, is a small square which nicely frames the structure which was one of the best known Dubrovnik convents until the French occupation. The Convent of St. Claire was constructed at the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century. In one part of this convent, an orphanage for abandoned and illegitimate children was opened in 1434, and was one of the first such institutions in the world.

The French administration under the rule of Napoleon closed down the convent and turned it into a munitions warehouse, and later into a horse stable. "
