Portable Pocket Synth - Stylophone Retro

  • 13 years ago
Stylophone Retro Pocket Synth - as part of the Product Guide series by GeoBeats. Hi. My name is Amy with AC Gears. And this is the Sylophone Pocket Organ. It is a super cute way of taking music anywhere you go. There are a couple of different ways you can play it. There is the standard way without any vibrato, then you can add the vibrato if you want to. There are also three different octaves. Lower one, middle one and the highest, of course. You can change the tuning with the dial in the back as well as the volume control on the side. And if you are the subway and do not want to bother the people around you, there is a volume control as well and you can put your headphones right into it so you are not bothering other people. You can also plug in an MP3 player or your phone so you can play along with any music that you might personally have yourself. It takes 3 double A batteries, goes for $35.99 and it is a super fun way to work on your music chops.