Fi News #112: Sisters are Buying the Convent

  • 13 years ago
Fi News #112 -  Contemplative Sisters' Convent in Lanherne ( 05min) >>> Play
Ave Maria!
Well it seems the FI Contemplative Sisters in Lanherne, England are sold on their convent and they want to buy it, or we should say, they *have* to buy it because the Carmelites who own it want to sell it. So they made this video to be able to raise about million pounds (£ 1,000,000 or $1,600,000) to buy the convent and St. Joseph’s Hall from them.  If anyone can lend some pound sterling or can send a benefactor or two their way, please do.  Please contact: - Mother Superior, Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, Convent of St. Joseph and St. Anne, Lanherne-St. Mawgan Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 4ER, United Kingdom Tel. 01637 860423  (
In the mean time, enjoy the video. If you wish to see it in HD on YouTube click here.
Keep this intention in your prayers. Thank you.
Ave Maria!
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