How Can Meditation Make You Happier? - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
How Can Meditation Make You Happier? - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Meditation can help you to achieve some more happiness in your life by helping you see what you are perhaps stuck on. Sometimes we develop ideas of what happiness is supposed to look like and we spend all our time trying to achieve that ideal or that goal, when in reality that may not necessarily bring us real happiness. So when we take the time to stop, slow down, sit in meditation and really see what may be driving us or causing us unhappiness, then we can check in what is really true? What is the real ideal? What was true when we were twenty might not serve us when we are forty. And to re-adjust and say "Am I chasing something that is not really going to bring me happiness? Am I pushing away something that I am afraid of? And can I just sit and be ok with the way it is now?" And have a moment of happiness, even if it does not look like what I think it is supposed to look like. Meditation can help you become happier not by focusing on happy moments in the past or imagining a blissful situation, although that has it is place, it is more about seeing what really causes our discomfort. And if our discomfort is caused by chasing something that we may never get or that may not bring us lasting happiness, to see that it is our drive or desire for things that are "out there", that even if we get them are not going to bring us lasting happiness. It is about seeing that how we cause our own suffering so often by being attached to ideas that are not necessarily the answer, but to see how we can have a pleasant experiences right here and right now, not that there is anything wrong with desire or wanting pleasant things, but not to be so attached to them that we cause ourselves discomfort when we do not get them.
