Cruising The Western Beagle Channel And The Chilean Fiords

  • 13 years ago
This video is Part 8, days 13 & 14 of our odyssey from Buenos Aires Round Cape Horn to Santiago and the Andes Beyond in December 2005. We cruise from Punta Arenas toward Puerto Chacabuco Chile It is our last day of this trip in South America’s bottom of the world - Terra del Fuego. We leave Punta Arenas and proceed south to the western Beagle Channel. There we encounter drift ice and see more glaciers. As soon as the Pacific ocean is reached we proceed north though the remarkable Chilean fiords. This video is another Touriste-Classe/Steady-Hand exclusive of a d (tony to you) Guida Video Productions' Travel Division. Featured is Hessie Guida, our Travel Diva. Rights are reserved by a d Guida Video Productions. Non-commercial downloads for use without alteration is ok. Anything else please contact us @ a d Guida Video Productions: .

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