Lynda's Story | Habitat for Humanity St. Joseph, MO "Blitz Build"

  • 13 years ago | Habitat for Humanity “Blitz Build” home recipient Lynda Silvan-Ovando is raising her 5 years old son, along with her 2 grandchildren ages 5 and 3. The house they currently live in is rented and for sale. They are in danger of being homeless at any time. Lynda has worked at the South Belt Wal-mart in St. Joseph for many years. Her endless positive energy, genuine warmth and huge smile are contagious! She spreads God’s love wherever she goes and thanks God everyday for “all her blessings”!

You can help make sure Lynda and her family can move into their new home on August 21st!

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Make a difference!

Video produced by Robert Wimer of Desire a Difference LLC |
Special thanks to Heather Deshayes of E2 Marketing |