Dr John Demartini: Coping with Life’s Challenges

  • 13 years ago
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Considered one of the worlds leading human behavioral specialists, Dr John Demartini travels the world educating and coaching people from all walks of life. NTD's Gina Shakespeare caught up with Dr Demartini in Australia. Amongst other topics, she asks how people can better cope with the trauma of natural disasters, such as the floods and earthquakes of recent times.

For many, 2011 has been a test of the human spirit in the face of adversity. First it was the Australian floods, then the New Zealand earthquake, and if that wasn’t enough, mother nature continued to unleash her fury by serving Japan its worst natural disaster since the 1923 Tokyo earthquake.

While the people grieve following Japan’s ordeal, Dr John Demartini sheds positive light on one of the country’s darkest days. The day that claimed over eleven thousand lives.

[Dr John Demartini, Human Behavioral Expert]:
"Yes there’s definitely crisis there, but there’s also enormous things that are emerging there that we have to look at and be grateful for. Theres amazing clean up efforts, theres amazing research being done and how do we use these challenges and turn them into opportunities for people. There’s now people working extra hard and coming up with new solutions to these problems that they’re facing.”

Dr Demartini is considered one of the world’s leading human behavioral specialists, he focuses on personal development, and how people can enhance all facets of their lives, including spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

When it comes to emotional issues such as grieving the loss of family and friends, the doctor offers these consoling words.
