UN and Australia PM Shocked Over Asylum Boat Tragedy

  • 13 years ago
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ina Shakespeare:
Disaster has struck asylum seekers trying to reach Christmas Island off Australia's coast line, after their boat was smashed to pieces by razor sharp rocks and rough seas. One onlooker said the sea was "like a washing machine." Just as the Asylum seekers thought they had reached dry land, their voyage ended in tragedy. We have our NTD Correspondent Gabriel Georgiou with us here from Australia, now Gabriel what can you say about the situation so far..

Gabriel Georgiou:
Well, the rescue efforts will continue this morning-after the search was hampered last night by stormy seas. So far 42 people have been rescued. The death toll to date is now 28, it is feared it will rise, although authorities have not confirmed any further deaths yet.

Gina Shakespeare:
So what is the Australian Government doing about this so far, Gabriel?

Gabriel Georgiou:
Well Prime Julia Gillard cut her holiday short last night to attend to the tragedy she said: "it will be some time before there is a full picture," but "the Governments focus and priority now is on rescue, recovery and treatment of those injured."

Gina Shakespeare:
Gabriel as I understand that the UN are using what has happened on Christmas Island to warn people of what's at stake when they decide to make the daring journey by boat? How do you understand this?

Gabriel Georgiou:
Well The UN refugee agency has expressed shock at the death of the 28 asylum-seekers. A spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Melissa Fleming, said that "far too many people are tragically losing their lives as they take desperate measures to escape conflict, persecution and poverty."