Black Pearl AMUSE (part 2/8)

  • 14 years ago
Takizawa is outside and Mitamura in other room when the thief appears and calls someone to report the situation BLack Pearl. Yuuta enters the detective's office and the thief doesn't notice it.When he hang up, he was shocked. Yuuta greets him coz he thought he was his teacher and introduced himself.The thief fools Yuuta to leave but Mitamura appears and ask him to stay.Mitamura asks the thief and lied he's FIB.The
thief scares Mitamura and hugged Yuuta (Shougo's funny when said "It hurts, sensei xD).Then, Mitamura starts his lesson with Yuuya.Yuuya and Mitamura entered the other room when Dustin appears whit hold the gun.Mitamura asks Dustin to clean the toilets or he won't pay him.
