Police Break Up Tribal Dispute in Indonesia's Papua Province

  • 14 years ago
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Indonesian police tried to break up violence between members of the rival Murib Tribe and the Kogoya Tribe in Papua Province on Monday.

The tribes used bows and poisonous arrows aimed at each other.

One person was injured, suffering lesions to his legs.

The fight was likely to have been caused by an unresolved dispute over a dowry. A member of the Kogoya Tribe married a Murib Tribe member... but the Kogoya Clan said the dowry was too small... and the two groups have been feuding ever since.

But officials have a different story. They say the violence was immediate retaliation for an incident over the weekend when a Kogoya Tribe member was injured by an arrow shot by a Murib Tribe member.

The fight between the tribes has been ongoing for decades. After a short break in 2009, fighting resumed again in January of this year.