Coconut Sugar by Coconut World

  • 14 years ago
More info and link here: I recently tried coconut sugar, which is the most amazing sugar you'll ever taste, and I'm not kidding. Coconut World makes this great sugar and it's very sustainable because it's made with the sap of the tree (not from the nut). It's also a very tasty alternative to standard sugar. SaraJean Cameranesi's mom is the one who started this passion, by creating a coop called Sustainable Rural Enterprises which helps rural coconut farmers increase their livelihood opportunities and income, she wanted to help them increase their market and Coconut World was born. You can even find delicious recipes on their site, I really enjoyed the taste and can't wait to see it at every coffee shop I go to. Sara also talks a little bit about how her business started, a beautiful story: Coconut World was inspired by my mother, Perla Manapol, who is a tireless proponent of creating opportunities for those who are less fortunate and want to improve their livelihood. Since 1999, in her capacity as president of Sustainable Rural Enterprise, she has traveled the globe, working with private companies and government agencies to raise awareness of the myriad of byproducts and to train villagers on how to add value to their coconuts. Highlights: - 100% natural - No additives - No pesticides - No chemicals - Helps farmers in the Philippines A little more information about them, from their site: Coconut sugar is one of nature's best sweeteners. Farmers collect tree sap from the stalk of the unopened flower buds and boil it. As it cools, it crystallizes. The result is an aromatic sugar that looks and acts very much like brown sugar. Its pleasing, light caramel flavor sets it apart from cane sugars, stevia, agave syrup, and artificial sweeteners. Use it in sauces, meat rubs, and exotic dishes. It is great for baking, especially desserts. It complements fruit and, my favorite, chocolate. It dissolves easily and is perfect to sprinkle on oatmeal and to sweeten ...