Oatmeal for Breakfast for FAST Weight Loss for Women & Men

  • 13 years ago
http://www.saturdaymorningdiet.com -Judy Loganeski shows you how to make a great oatmeal to start your day and avoid getting hungry during the morning hours. Oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest breakfasts. Oatmeal is a great source of insoluble and soluble fiber. Oatmeal is mostly made up of fiber. Oatmeal also has cancer fighting properties. Oatmeal helps you control your cholesterol levels maintaining the good and reducing the bad. Having oatmeal for breakfast avoid the sharp rise of sugar levels in the morning. The calcium in Oatmeal when combined with milk strengthens yours and teeth. It is of source of Vitamin B and minerals including copper,iron,zinc, magnesium, selenium and manganese. Oatmeal has a filling effect and reduces the urge to snack between meals.
