Officer Bubbles

  • 14 years ago
Constable Adam Josephs of the Toronto Police Services is an asshole. Not just any asshole. But a special kind of asshole. The kind of asshole who acts like a total asshole, then asserts his right to be an asshole without actually being ridiculed for being an asshole.

In fact, he feels so strongly that he has a right n...ot to be subjected to public ridicule for being an asshole that he has taken to suing YouTube for being the conduit of such ridicule. He is also demanding those who produced cartoons mocking him, under the moniker "Officer Bubbles" have their names produced such that he can sue them too.

On a weekend where Mr. Josephs' police force undertook the biggest mass-arrest in Canadian history, arresting over one thousand Canadians, including hundreds of innocent bystanders and at least 800 people who were not involved in any illegal activity, in what some have described as "precautionary detention" -- Mr. Josephs' is demanding one million dollars.