Which 2012 Theory Is True?

  • 14 years ago
http://moveto.ws/mwtdwu8lk Which 2012 Theory Is True? Is 2012 the End of the world?
A lot of people are lead to believe there is just one theory that leads to December 21, 2012 being predicted as the end of the world.

It is common belief that 2012 theory is based on the end date of the Mayan calendar.
This is where the date December 21 originates from but the longer that the 2012 phenomena is studied, the more knowledge comes to light.

At present, there are three main theories involved.

No one on Earth has any control over the solar system which is experiencing planetary warming on all resident plants. Nor do we have any control over the universe which is putting incredible, increasing pressure on the Earth.

Whether you choose to believe any 2012 theory or not, the world as we knowit is going to change … the transformation has already started.
Which 2012 Theory is True? Go to this link and read more: http://moveto.ws/mwtdwu8lk


