Maoists Attack Poll Booths and Burn Electoral Rolls in India

  • 14 years ago
Throwing a spanner in the works during the regional polls, suspected Maoists raid a poll booth in the Sitamarhi District of India's eastern Bihar State, destroying elections-related material, on Sunday.

Disrupting the second phase of state assembly elections, the ultras destroy several electronic voting machines (EVMs) and burn poll papers during their siege.

The incident comes two days after the rebels killed six policemen and critically injured one by triggering a landmine blast in nearby Sheohar District.

The second phase of elections were taking place in six districts of Bihar.

Following the attack, the regional forces tighten security around the booths, while the special task force maintains air surveillance from helicopters, to ensure peaceful and fair polls.

Maoists have been routinely threatening the villagers with dire consequences if they vote in the ongoing elections.

Claiming to fight for peasants' rights, the cadres have been repeatedly targeting police and other government establishments.

Meanwhile, in the state's Darbhanga District, excited villagers are flocking polling booths to choose their provincial lawmakers.

Almost 9.9 million people are eligible for voting in the second phase that would decide the fate of over 600 candidates.

Most of the nearly 10 thousand polling booths established in the state are in rural areas.

Ignoring the threats issued by rebel ultras, the villagers go in groups to cast their ballots, hoping for a change.

But some complain the booths are built too far from the villages, causing many voters to walk miles to exercise their right.

[Vidya Devi, Dharbhanga District Local]:
"The booths have been set up miles away from our village. We have no option but to walk for hours to cast our votes. The government should have thought of this earlier. They have not made any other arrangements either.”

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