Intense Deep Conditioning Treatment with Hydratherma Natural

  • 14 years ago
In this video, I will demonstrate the Hydratherma Naturals intense deep conditioning treatment / technique that I use every 6-8 weeks and especially during seasonal changes. Weather changes can cause changes in your hair so be sure to give your hair that extra TLC with each change of season. Please do not do this treatment more often than 6-8 weeks. I will also discuss the importance of obtaining and maintaining a moisture / protein balance in the hair. Too much moisture or too much protein can cause breakage. The goal of the Hydratherma Naturals Healthy Hair Product Line is to help your hair fall into balance. This Hydratherma Naturals treatment will help your hair fall into balance a lot quicker and will maintain a nice moisture protein balance in your hair. This treatment can be done on all hair types.
