Hypnos - Evesham Mattress

  • 14 years ago
See it here at Mattressman.co.uk:

This is the wonderful Evesham mattress from one of the leaders in Mattress design; Hypnos. Renowned for their superior quality and refinement, Hypnos have produced another great mattress. The pocket springs mold independently to the contours of your body giving you maximum support for the whole of your body. The Evesham has a combination of man-made fillings, cotton and polyester to provide excellent comfort and support. Flag-stitched handlesoffer easy movement and rotation of the mattress, whilst the air vents allow the mattress to breathe, reducing moisture build-up. The Evesham is also 'source 5' which means that it is compliant with British standards making it suitable for hotels, nursing homes and other businesses.
