Euro-2012. Kharkiv lacks seven hotels.

  • 14 years ago
Kharkiv needs 88 hotels to host the guests that are expected to come to Euro-2012, informs the deputy mayor of Kharkiv, the head of the Department of Championship Preparation, Victor Christoyev. At present, seven more hotels are to be built to reach this number. Kharkiv authorities decided to promote this matter. According to Tetyana Ovinnikova, the head of the Department of City Planning, Architecture and Land Relations of Kharkiv City Executive Committee, mayor’s office will favor the investors interested in implementing hotel building projects. The governmental support will include facilitation in documents preparation. Estate market analysts believe such initiative can arouse businessmen’s interest. They suppose smaller hotels will have the vantage. As for the city, cooperation with the major hotel networks’ operators will guarantee the success, state the experts.
Building News. Kharkiv. Ukraine. May, 19. 2010.
