Saint Augustine city of God

  • 14 years ago
Saint Augustine, Florida / Historic St. Augustine FL / Jacksonville, Florida / Daytona Beach Florida police abuse

ERAU EMBRY-RIDDLE Aero. Sci. Alumni. Daytona Beach Florida Campus.

Shira said, "My step dad sexually abused me," That woke me up; I asked about the police, "The police don't care," "nobody cares." "He said he would 'deny it'." "Do you know what they are going to do to you!!"

The florida policemen . . . "welcome to the South.", "welcome to the South.", " O — did I forget to Tell You [long pause] welcome to the South.". " . . . dump him." [me]. They put handcuffs on me. Two on the outsides of their group checked, to draw my attention, as their group conversated away, towards the swamp.

Being taken in the police car, I asked, "Are you going to dump me in the river now?"

"How dumb do you think I am," was the reply.

Relieved, I was taken to Saint Augustine's County jail. —and prayed for GODs Love;
IP HOLD ~ ^ Connors Brian 77 Shira Conners ^ ~