• 14 years ago
Clueless moonbats, up to their necks in indoctrination are baffled by us. They are baffled by the fact that we are not mesmerized as they are about the one. Their only recourse is to compare patriots with computer phobia and desktop computers twenty years ago.
Condescending slumlord, Valerie Jarrett feels the Obama administration, herself included must find a “very simple way of communicating” with patriots because we are too stupid to know what cloture and reconciliation is.
The Obama administration and Democrats can pretend to be baffled all they want but we know better. Their pretense is just another tactic and excuse to dismiss the voices of Americans as they try to force their progressive agenda down the throats of the citizenry.
Not only do we comprehend cloture and reconciliation, we are also aware of Jarrett’s history as a slumlord and how she and her fellow Chicago thugs got so far.
This administration and his mechanical followers are a joke.
