Protests Over Israeli Border Wall

  • 14 years ago
For five years, this wall has served as a barrier protecting the border of Israeli and blocking the penetration of Palestinian terrorists and suicide bombers. Since it was built, cases of suicide bombing have dropped by 95%.

But many are unhappy with this system of fortifications. Last Friday, close to 1200 Palestinians, Israelis, and visitors from other countries, descended on the Palestinian village of Bil'in to demonstrate against the protective barrier. High-ranking Palestinian authorities were present at the demonstrations, including the Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, members of the Palestinian parliament and seniors in the Palestinian organization "Fatah". Fatah is known to back a number of militant and terrorist groups with a strong anti-Zionist message.

The Palestinian authorities describe the event as a non-violent popular protest against what they call Israeli occupation. The wall is built on land that was expropriated from the village back in 2002.

Following a ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court in September of 2007, work began on moving the wall, returning 173 acres of land back to the Palestinian village.

Large numbers of the Israeli Army positioned themselves in the area before the start of the event, yet at a considerable distance from the demonstrators. According to the Israeli army, the demonstrators began throwing stones, causing damage to the fence that was later evaluated at thousands of U.S. dollars.