Hands Clean [Trudy & Bray]

  • 15 years ago
This is an AU (alternate universe) Tribe story. So what if Brady wasn't Zoot's daughter after all? What if it was all a big lie? Story: Trudy and Bray meet, fall in love, spend a night together. But Bray decides Trudy isn't what she wants. And when Trudy arrives with news of her pregnancy, he only reluctantly agrees to take care of her. But once they settle at the Mall, and he realizes what he might be missing out on - life in general, a chance of love with other girls, he tells Trudy that he will only stay if she lies about the baby and says that it is Zoot's daughter. It works for a while, but Trudy needs more than just being taken care of, she wants love. But Bray is in love with someone else...and Trudy doesn't want any of this any more. So she decides to leave....and Bray is left with his daughter.... Will Trudy ever be back?
