Medical Cannabis Patient in Los Angeles Protests

  • 15 years ago
Please help spread the word to your friends :) We are quickly reaching our limit for friends :( I have the fan page working now. Please join us there. Facebook limits us to 5, 000 on this page :) About Me: Welcome to the formation of the NEW Beverly Hills NORML 90210 Chapter. We're currently under construction. Meanwhile for more about NORML..... Our Position: Intrigue abounds with the Stiletto Stoners’ media phenomenon. Cannabis has captured the attention of the world. It’s my job as the Executive Director for Beverly Hills NORML90210 to rip the door open to the closets of the REAL women behind the Marijuana Reform movement. The time is now to take a stand and make a change but boldly coming “out of the closet”. We as a modern society can fiscally improve our budget by moving cannabis from the criminal sector into the lawful sector. This is not a left or right issue–it’s really common sense and Government can do good things. I am asked all the time about marijuana being a gateway drug and the corruption of our youth. Actually, you know who is opposed to the legalization of marijuana are the drug dealers and it is their margins that will be going down. It’s an incentive for them to prey on our sons and daughters. The cannabis movement is not just the Stiletto Stoners, not just medical marijuana patients and not just the stereotypical dead head from the 70s. It’s a broad cross section of Americans. …..Cheryl Shuman, Executive Director Beverly Hills NORML 90210 Beverly Hills NORML 90210 (Coming Soon) Board of Directors: Cheryl Shuman, Executive Director Jacek Lentz, Esq. Deputy Director Sabrina LaBow, Director of Communications Frederic Rhoades, Treasurer & Director of Operations Aimee Nicole, Secretary & Celebrity Relations Contact: Cheryl Shuman
