• 15 years ago
HPV or the human papillomavirus is the most common of all sexually transmitted diseases. This virus will infect mucous membranes and skin, and there are over 40 types of HPV that infect the genital areas. HPV is not a virus that is seen, and many who become infected do not realize they are infected.


There are normally not symptoms associated with HPV, but sometimes certain types of HPV can cause genital warts as well as cancers of the vulva, anus and penis. HPV is considered a low risk or wart causing virus, or high risk, which causes cancers. In most cases, the immune system clears the infection naturally without treatment for low risk HPV diseases. Symptoms of the warts are small bumps or groups of bumps that occur in the genital areas. These are raised or flat, and come in all shapes and sizes and are normally flesh colored. These are normally found on the vulva, vagina and anus, cervix, penis, scrotum and groin or thig
