Mutation art show at Black Maria Gallery in LA

  • 15 years ago
Right after the BIC Buddy release we ran into Ryan Crippen aka Reactor88 and he informed us of a show at Black Maria Gallery titled "Mutation", so we packed up our things and made the 15min drive to this gallery, and we were glad that we did. This show had a ton of awesome customs for well known artists such as: 64 Colors, Bryan Collins, Button Eyes, Camden Noir, Draifet, Jeremiah Ketner, Kalypzo, Kat Brunnegraff, Kendra Binney, Kill Taupe, Motorbot, Mark Basa, Nathan Hamill, Okedoki, Podgy Panda, Reactor 88, Rosie O’Donnell, Shaun Wightman, TyleR & Zombie Monkie.
