My Chemical Romance - Skylines and Turnstiles

  • 15 years ago
This is my eighth music video that I made using the program Sims 2, the video being called Skylines and Turnstiles! Making this video was extremely difficult and it took me a LONG time to make. I'm sorry for the delay, I hope no one unsubscribed from me. I had a long break, I was being lazy, I had School Tests, etc... I think you get the point, everything was overwhelming these past months. Anyways I need to stop blabbering on. This is a small tribute to the World Trade Center 9/11 terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001, I once saw the news on TV and saw the towers go down and explosions, planes crashing, people jumping out windows, etc... I even went inside of the WTC one time when I was two years old. I remembered the place was very LARGE and colorful filled with people in the building. I wanted to capture the sadness and tragedy in this video, and put Gerard's experiences/ feelings with the World Trade Center when he was in New York City before he started the band.
Please rate this video and don't forget to comment!
Peace ~(!)~
