• 2 weeks ago
00:00Look who it is. Unbelievable. And I ran into you last night. Dr. Chivago is here. Dr. David
00:07Chow from Sports Injury Central. Sixscore.com. Badass website. If you're not on it, you're
00:12a loser. You need to get in on this. So I have to tell you, I ran into you down by security.
00:19I had a problem there last night. Yeah. Yeah. I had a problem too. I beeped red at first.
00:23They weren't letting me in. So my problem was the guy broke my phone. He smashed my
00:27phone. He dropped it on the cement and broke it. I wanted to kill him. So I went back to
00:31like see if anyone was going to do anything for me. And obviously they weren't because
00:36they're losers. And they're like, good luck to you. And I'm like, you know, that's some,
00:40you know, and I had some choice words you may have heard flying out of my mouth when
00:43I saw you. But at least I was nice to you. You're still a man of the people. Look at
00:48you sitting there with the people walking behind. Yeah. They all get to see I have a
00:52bald spot. It's awful for me. It's been it's been humiliating. It's been it's been awful.
00:56I need to see my shrink over it. So as we go into this game on Sunday, Doc, what are
01:02we looking at here on both sides? Well, all the question marks are on the Eagle side of
01:07the ball. Really? Like most Super Bowls, you know, you got to be kind of healthy to get
01:11here. This is why the Lions aren't here. Right. Every year, if Sports Injury Central is correct,
01:17predicting wildcard and divisional round games based on the health of your team, it's it's
01:22elimination of the less healthy teams. The Chiefs really don't have any issues. The only
01:26question mark is, will Skymore clear and return? But that's sort of a minor story on the
01:32Eagle side. One is Brandon Graham. Can he really come back from that triceps tear? That's what
01:38they're saying, that he's going to play. How crazy is that? Well, I just have any like four
01:43months early. Yeah. Look, what are you doing playing? I get why he might try to play. It may
01:50be his last game in his career. Go off with the ring. But I don't know how he's going to hold off
01:54a blocker with that torn triceps. I don't see how he's going to be effective. And that's like
01:59giving them it's like giving them an advantage. Can you imagine knowing you got a guy that has a
02:05torn, you know, he's out there with a fresh off a surgery. How in God's name is he going to do that
02:12job? He's not. I was on with Ross Tucker and he asked me about him. And I said, as an offensive
02:17lineman, Ross, if you were playing, how would you feel if you knew you had to go up against the guy
02:21with the triceps less than three months from his surgery and he couldn't hold you off the block?
02:25He said, we'd love it. We make that. Of course, I'm going to take advantage of him. So so I don't
02:30know that he's going to. But then, you know, Kenneth Gainwell with the concussion with the
02:34two weeks he should clear Jalen Hurts, his knee still is 100 percent. But the bigger issues there
02:40for the Eagles are on the offensive line. Cam Juergens. So my time and time like time, let's go
02:45back to I want to talk to you about Cam Juergens for a second, but I want to go back to Jalen Hurts
02:50for a second. Jalen Hurts had a concussion. Then he had a knee. Then he went out and went off
02:57in a game and scored, what, three touchdowns? I mean, a guy looked like he was the healthiest
03:02he's ever been in his life. I don't buy all of his injuries. Remember the day of the knee took
03:08the knee brace off and he went out and ran for three touchdowns. Yeah, I mean, I don't think
03:13there's anything wrong with him. I think you've got to give Kellen Moore and the Eagles credit
03:17for that, for the scheme that they did. They certainly had less runs than usual RPO runs.
03:22He ran the ball effectively when he did run, but he didn't run completely dynamically.
03:27They used a lot of downfield passes and A.J. Brown early. They had a good offensive game plan.
03:31The Eagles are a great team, but I just don't think his knee is 100 percent. But that doesn't
03:35mean he's not going to do well. There's two different stories there. All right. So I interviewed
03:40Cam Juergens last night. First of all, he has a mullet and a fantastic mullet. I mean, he's
03:46got it shaved up to the side of his. It literally is almost it's two inches above his ear, the side
03:52cut. And then the back goes all the way down. And did you know that he had a beef jerky company?
03:57Like, yeah, he has like he's I think he said he told me he had seven flavors or something
04:01and he tried to get me to eat beef jerky during that cattle call, otherwise known as media night
04:07last night. Did you did you. So you went in there and you saw that chaos. What do you think of that?
04:11I didn't stay very long. I went in there and it's like, yeah, I mean, chaos is basically my last
04:18name. But yeah, but I hear chaos with in an operating room, but chaos with people stepping
04:24on you and throwing punches and people arguing and fighting. There was a lot of that. Like,
04:28I saw a lot of people crazy as you had a whole football field. You can expand the area a little
04:33bit. Honestly, they we were in like it was like a hockey rink. Yeah, like it was like they had us
04:38on the outsides of the in the middle of the field was wide open. It was tight. And then
04:43the thing that bothered me about it was they had the athletes in these boxes and then you
04:47couldn't hear them. They had speakers at every one of them, but they didn't work.
04:50So you didn't you didn't try the beef jerky, but I did not try the picture of it with your phone.
04:55So, you know, I did. Well, your phone didn't work. No, my phone was broken. So what happened was
04:59when I interviewed him, the phone didn't work and I interviewed him for 10 minutes and it was
05:04the funniest interview ever with him trying to give me beef jerky. And I never got one second
05:08of it recorded because my phone's broken. So I blame I blame the security guard and I hate him
05:14forever. I don't know his name and I still hate him forever. I just wanted to say that. So you're
05:19telling me that that none of the chiefs have any problems other than a couple of guys dinged up?
05:25Not really. I mean, obviously, Patrick Holmes had his recent high ankle sprain that everyone's now
05:29forgotten about. That guy had his phony ankle sprains. Honestly, there's never anything wrong
05:34with him. Well, you know, I have to say that Patrick Holmes, I do think he does get injured,
05:39but he's just built differently. He's so flexible. He dislocates his kneecap. He's the only one that
05:44I know that doesn't need surgery. He gets high ankle sprains. The reason why he throws the ball
05:48so well is he's so ligamentously lax. He's so stretchy. He's Gumby. I broke my kneecap. Yeah,
05:54well, for him, he would have just stretched something out and it would have been fine.
05:58He's Gumby. And that's what makes him the great player that he is. The chiefs are relatively
06:02healthy. I have some concerns of Landon Dickerson with his left knee and Juergens,
06:08but I hope everyone's going to play. How many Super Bowls have you been to now, Doc?
06:13Oh, you know, at least 10 or a dozen. I'm not. How many of these radio rows have you been to?
06:20Everyone since New York. So count back how many that is. A dozen, maybe?
06:27I don't know how many more I got in me, though. I've done 30.
06:31Oh, I'm not going to make 30. That's for sure. And I've been to the game 15 times. The only good
06:35news is I'm not going to the game because my son, who I took to the Philly Eagles Chiefs game in
06:41Phoenix, and he's a big Chiefs fan because of back from home. He has no interest in this game
06:45because he says it's boring. It's been played before. Yeah, but did he have fun at the Purdue
06:49win over Oregon and Eugene? He did. He had fun at the Clippers game watching Giannis.
06:56Did you get home on time by eight o'clock? You said you were going to get home by eight.
07:00It's good to see you, Doc. My man, Dr. Chewbacca, Dr. David Chow from SICscore.com.
