• last year
from the album "SHALALALALA"
words and music: T. Hakola
other voice: Leslie Woods
video artwork: Frida Faudot
contact/info: http://theohakola.com

Love is as lost as love is found
Love will and will not make the world go round
Love is a drug, a glowing playground
Love is bad blood, a mind-blowing hellhound

Love is a parasite, a mooch tagalong
a lie washed white, a heart-rending gong
a church bell Stygian banging you into oblivion
like an anti-Darwinian Branch Davidian ding-dong

Love comes like a God, like a thief in the night,
to even your odds and loosen your tights
Love is a French tribade, a fine fresco of dykes,
a dripping wet peach, a soft kiss that bites

Or a hetero hick starting halfwit hick fights,
an incel dick punching out his own lights
Love is a surge of Himalayan heights
or an abyssal dirge for your last rites

Love’s a silk skirt unearthing the swing in your knees
or a hair shirt girthing an infinite jest
Love’s a cockroach in the kitchen taking its ease
and the only true religion of the dispossessed

Love is a groundswell of spleen et misère
more bloody hell than a body can bear
or an avenging angel smiting fascist bores
vaccine wars and Trump’s pompadour... hair

Love is killing you and love is killing me
and love... never killed anybody

Love is a pyramid of the capitalist system
a maja in Madrid, anarcho-syndicalist wisdom
Love, dixit Proust, is space and time hewed to the heart
while love, dixit moi, is the dog park on Montmartre

Love, for Frankie Go Go, is a dark purple rest
copulation untethered, a mauve-feathered love nest
It’s your hand on my chest is my own – Neruda knows
and when I fall asleep, it’s your eyes that close

But love is for chickens and love is the dickens
Love is mad pigeons binging on kittens
Love is ever blind and forever sighted
Love is fine strychnine and never unrequited

Love is oh là là and love is blah blah blove
love is hate and hate is love
Love is a blast and love cannot last
for love is a feast and love is a fast

Love is hating and hating to love
Fixating, dictating, unmaking is love
Love is killing you and love is killing me
and love... never killed nobody

Love is red, black and blue and Catch-22
Love is dread to die for in a room with a view
Love is nothing if not true
and killing you softly is all love can do

