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With lore this convoluted, some games get lost in a maze of their own making. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at game franchises that got bogged down by their own complex storylines, confusing timelines, and overly complex worldbuilding.
00:00Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career.
00:03Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 video games that got destroyed by their own lore.
00:10Don't worry. Whatever happens, we'll get through this together.
00:14Number 10, Metal Gear series.
00:25We'll admit that it's already tough to keep up with Metal Gear's story and lore,
00:29what with all the different snakes and everything.
00:30However, Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain is where everything fell apart.
00:34Don't get it twisted. This is still a phenomenal game, one of the best that came out in 2015.
00:39But that ending was so rushed and unfinished,
00:41and the fact that the ending that would have been was tied to the collector's edition,
00:45makes the franchise's end kind of annoying.
00:47Even though it does loop things back to the very first Metal Gear, come on.
00:50You can't sit there and tell us this whole series was meant to be stuck in a time loop.
00:54Number 9, Borderlands series.
01:05For the most part, Borderlands is a fairly straightforward series and doesn't get super convoluted with its plots.
01:10Unfortunately, Borderlands 3 is where the franchise jumped the shark by getting way too crazy with super-powered freaks running around.
01:16First, you're throwing in another super-powered version of enemies known as the Anointed.
01:19Next thing you know, Lilith can suddenly use her siren powers to fly into the moon
01:23and explode to stop it from destroying Pandora.
01:26Where was this crazy nonsense when Hanson Jack was terrorizing the planet?
01:29How come none of the other sirens have this absurd amount of potential?
01:32Oh, she's the Firehawk. Give us a break with that cop-out.
01:40Number 8, Assassin's Creed series.
01:48To the hardcore fan, Assassin's Creed might be the mildest defender
01:51when it comes to ridiculous plotlines or continuity issues.
01:54So, what's the issue?
01:55Well, it all lies in the Isu.
01:57Now, most of us can follow the whole advanced human species that created the modern human species bit.
02:02Where it gets convoluted is how the Isu would take on forms of other gods from different religions.
02:06It's way too much wire-crossing to expect players to follow when the franchise has been going on for as long as it has been.
02:12Why Ubisoft threw this wrench into their own story is anyone's guess.
02:15But did we really need to know the creators of the Pieces of Eden?
02:21As is the mind that imagined it.
02:23It could escape the code.
02:25It could do that leap and make possible a decision that defies the order of things that are.
02:31Number 7, The Legend of Zelda series.
02:38Now, we have a feeling many of you are thinking we put Zelda on the list
02:41because of all the different iterations of Link and how the timeline is out of order with the release of each game.
02:45But no, it's gotten more frustrating than that.
02:48As great of a game as Tears of the Kingdom is, it ignores a lot of the plot holes that,
02:52if filled with an ounce of logic, would have kept Ganondorf from taking over Hyrule.
02:56And even though the game is a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild,
02:59Tears of the Kingdom makes little to no reference to its predecessor in any way.
03:03The divine beasts seem to have had no impact on the world,
03:06and the stone tablets just suddenly appeared despite Breath of the Wild not having them.
03:10Yeah, there are a lot of logical and continuity problems being neglected here.
03:14Link, finally you wake.
03:24I've heard a great deal about you from Zelda.
03:27Number 6, Mortal Kombat series.
03:29Ha! That old geezer's the final challenge?
03:33He might as well give me the belt right now.
03:35At one point, Mortal Kombat did have its ducks in a row with the storyline.
03:39MK9 was a necessary reset to reel in the focus,
03:42and MK11 managed to perfectly weave all the games into one story
03:46while leaving the door open for a brand new tale.
03:48And that opportunity was completely wasted with Mortal Kombat 1 in 2023.
03:52Despite NetherRealm Studios selling the game as a new and original story during marketing,
03:56MK1 recycled the timeline nonsense a third time, and it got annoying quick.
04:01Essentially, every character has a trillion different versions of themselves
04:04where they control the timeline, and even if one of them dies,
04:07they can still be brought back from the dead.
04:09It's the MCU of video games, everyone,
04:11and there are no consequences and no high stakes of any kind.
04:34Speaking of timelines and time travel,
04:37there was once a special story about Sora becoming the wielder of the Keyblade.
04:40This title alone made him an important character,
04:43someone who did have the power to control the fates of many, many worlds.
04:46Birth by Sleep demolished this notion by revealing that anyone could wield a Keyblade.
04:50This wasn't something determined by gods or fate or even Mickey Mouse,
04:54just requires training under a mentor.
04:56Dream Drop Distance worsened the franchise's lore by introducing time travel,
05:00which opened up the door for the series to over-explain everything that had happened prior.
05:04And some of us thought the light and darkness sounded like complete nonsense.
05:25Overall, you can enjoy most of the Star Ocean games as if they were standalone series.
05:29However, Star Ocean had its reputation tainted because of one particular game.
05:33Star Ocean Till the End of Time is the most infamous game in the franchise
05:36due to its absurd, ridiculous, and unrealistic plot twist.
05:39Towards the end of the game, everyone discovers that they are actually fictional characters
05:43within a computer simulation being controlled by entities in the fourth dimension.
05:47Yeah, they find out they're in a video game.
05:49Even upon learning this, no one bats an eye at this
05:52nor falls into an instant state of existentialism.
05:55It didn't help that Star Ocean 4 would try to do damage control
05:58by writing off its predecessor as an alternate universe.
06:00Make it make sense.
06:03You just have to believe what you feel in your heart.
06:06Let's choose to believe fate, okay?
06:19Fable had a really neat approach that sort of kept the first two games related to each other
06:22without compromising the player's overall story.
06:24Fable 2 opens with your new character being the child of your character from the first game.
06:28Neat, right?
06:29Ideally, Fable 3 should have followed that blueprint.
06:32Unfortunately, it did not.
06:34You're still the kid of your hero from Fable 2
06:36but you have an older brother who is acting as a king.
06:38This one degree of separation essentially erases whatever direct influence
06:42and continuity you could have had at the start of Fable 3.
06:45On top of that, if you're trying to play evil across all three games
06:48why would Jasper and Walter even consider helping you overthrow your brother
06:52when you're clearly going to be worse?
06:54Keep walking.
06:55Here come the saviors of the people.
06:58Come closer, brother.
07:13Whether you're a casual or hardcore fan
07:15this franchise has some of the messiest lore and continuity imaginable.
07:18So much so that it's given Yakuza Like a Dragon some notoriety within its own fanbase.
07:24You have characters living by certain beliefs
07:26after spending dozens of hours chasing an ambitious dream
07:28characters seemingly outplaying each other in absurd ways
07:31only to pull the dumbest moves that get them killed
07:34and then some scenes where any normal civilian would step in and have some influence in the story.
07:38At some point, you kind of have to abandon all belief
07:41and view these games as soap operas.
07:43Getting caught up in the details is just going to drive you nuts.
07:46Did you see that?
07:47I guess nobody cares about PDA on New Year's.
07:50That reminds me.
07:52Before we continue
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08:08Number 1
08:09Five Nights at Freddy's series
08:19How can the youngest video game franchise on this list
08:21possibly be the worst when it comes to keeping its story in line?
08:24Well, the first 4-5 Nights at Freddy's games
08:26do a decent job at keeping its scenes nice and tight.
08:29But then you get Sister Location
08:31which introduces a whole other branch of Fazbear Entertainment.
08:34Then you've got Fazbear Fanverse games
08:36that add even more Sister Locations on top of that.
08:38Then you have more than 20 novels
08:40that add even more animatronics and variants
08:43of those animatronics and variants
08:44of those variants that came from Sister Locations
08:47of the Sister Locations from different periods of their history.
08:50Way to go, superstar!
08:52I knew you could do it.
08:54You know, this franchise used to be about
08:56just this one restaurant where kids were terrorized
08:59by horrifying animatronics.
09:00Simple and clean.
09:02Which game do you feel ruined its story with convoluted lore?
09:05Did it make our list?
09:06Let us know down in the comments.
09:08Goodbye, Liu Kang.
09:10Neither you nor your timeline will be missed.
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