00:00Bon après-midi à tous, c'est ravie de vous retrouver pour cette édition du journal
00:18bilingue sur la CRTV.
00:20Bon après-midi, Pechen Swingoh.
00:21Bon après-midi, Gaëlle.
00:22Vous avez les titres?
00:23Bien sûr.
00:25The cultural festival of the Sarawak Sengondo culminates with vibrant celebrations along
00:30the banks of River Vauri with Governor Diodonné Iwa-Adiboa leading the closing ceremony.
00:36Chinese Vice Chairman Zhang Jingwei explores Cameroon's cultural heritage at the National
00:44World AIDS Day 2024 is being observed today with a rallying call for accessible healthcare
00:51in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
00:54And the Benedictine Monastery in Montphébie celebrates six decades of spiritual legacy
01:00with Grand Mass said by Apostolique Noncio.
01:04And that is it for our headlines.
01:06The news starts with you, Gaëlle.
01:08Exactly, Pechens, et nous ouvrons avec cette actualité.
01:12Ce dimanche, le monde va en guerre contre le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine, le
01:19La bataille contre la pandémie ne faiblit pas face à un virus qui continue de faire
01:25des ravages.
01:26Seulement, selon le Comité National de Lutte contre le VIH-SIDA, le taux de prévalence
01:32au sein de la population âgée de 15 à 64 ans est en baisse.
01:37C'est ce que nous dit Khaissar Aoumou.
01:39Cet élément dans la suite de ce journal, d'abord allons dans la région du littoral
01:53participer à la poteiose du festival Ngondo ce jour, et bien la grande fête du peuple
02:00Sawa, une célébration rituelle et festive qui ébranle toute la ville.
02:04En ce moment, l'on attend la cérémonie du Dibala, retrouvons sur les berges du Voury,
02:11Marie-Gabrielle Feugueux, bonjour.
02:13Merci de nous retrouver sur les berges du Voury, où la grande messe du peuple Sawa,
02:22la poteose, c'est donc aujourd'hui, et c'est une célébration qui se tient sous la houlette
02:29du gouverneur de la région du littoral, Samuel Diodonné-Iva Aziboua, représentant
02:34du premier ministre, chef du gouvernement, et du ministre des Arts et de la Culture.
02:40Tous ici sont en attente du Polo Majengu, qui est en immersion au fond des profondeurs
02:47de l'eau.
02:48Il est allé avec le levage sacré pour recevoir le message qui sera donc le fil conducteur
02:55pour les actions du peuple Sawa pour l'année prochaine, 2025.
03:00Cette année 2024, c'est la thématique Dja Djo Gwalene, qui a conduit donc le peuple
03:05de Sawa avec des actions de solidarité, de cohésion et de vivre ensemble.
03:11Après cette étape, on aura donc le tir à la corde des finales des luttes traditionnelles
03:19et même de la course des pirogues.
03:21Le message attendu sera délivré par le président en exercice du Ngundo, après avoir été transmis
03:28au cœur de la Dibala, la case sacrée.
03:31En direct des berges du Vouray, ici Marie-Gabrielle Lefeugeux, Alex Kelly pour la CRTV.
03:38Merci Marie-Gabrielle Lefeugeux, merci à toute l'équipe de CRTV Littoral.
03:43Nous poursuivons, nous allons du côté de l'Ouest, cette fois-ci pour la deuxième
03:49édition de la course nationale VTT Chantal Bia, lancée ce vendredi, qui se poursuit
03:55à Bagofit, dans la région de l'Ouest, et bien depuis ce matin, trois catégories
04:01sont en compétition, dans la catégorie Master 2, Eva Raul Mbaye, le grand vainqueur, et
04:07dans la catégorie Prestige, le ministre Joseph Lé, vient de s'imposer devant son
04:12challenger, le ministre Jean-Dedieu Momos, c'est ce que nous dit Armand Ambassad, que
04:18nous retrouvons dans l'Oignon.
04:21Bonjour Gaël, bonjour Patience Wingo, merci de nous retrouver à la place des fêtes
04:27Jean Sembon de Bagofit, où le ministre Joseph Lé vient de franchir en premier la
04:33ligne d'arrivée dans la catégorie Prestige, il a parcouru les douze kilomètres du circuit
04:39en cinquante-sept minutes, trente-une secondes, je vous propose d'ailleurs d'écouter
04:44le promoteur de la course nationale VTT Chantal Bia.
04:47On vient challenger quelqu'un sur son terrain, où il s'entraîne depuis six mois, et on
04:52croit pouvoir le battre, ce n'est pas possible, mais je vais vous dire que je l'ai plusieurs
04:59fois tendu, le ministre Momos m'a fait perdre trente minutes sur le trajet, parce que je
05:05l'attendais, et puis par dépit j'ai dit bon aller, il n'a qu'à rester qu'il se débrouille.
05:09Et comme de bien entendu son challenger, le ministre Jean-Dedieu Momos classe deuxième,
05:15puisque ce sont les deux qui ont pris le départ ici, il a réalisé le ministre Jean-Dedieu
05:20Momos en chrono d'une heure six minutes et deux secondes, mais pour lui l'essentiel était
05:27de participer.
05:28J'avais prévu de faire quarante-cinq minutes, et donc je ne suis pas si loin des quarante-cinq
05:34minutes que je m'étais fixé comme record, et donc je crois que j'ai fait des progrès,
05:40et je pense donc que si je continue à m'entraîner, il est possible que je puisse vaincre le premier,
05:47c'est-à-dire le ministre Joseph Ley.
05:49Dans la catégorie master deux, c'est un cycliste à la personne d'Hervé Raoul Lemba,
05:55qui s'est donc classé premier sur les vingt-cinq qui ont pris le départ dans cette catégorie.
06:01Il a réalisé quant à lui un chrono de cinquante-cinq minutes vingt-cinq secondes.
06:06C'est un champion du cyclisme camerounais, a donc pu battre tous ses adversaires.
06:11Vous comprenez effectivement que la catégorie qui se court en ce moment dans les master
06:16un, elle serait également relevée en direct de Bagofit pour le douze heures.
06:21Patrick Bébé, Joseph Fou, Armand Ambassa, pour le douze heures, à vous.
06:27Merci infiniment Armand Ambassa et à toute l'équipe de l'ACR TV pour toutes ces informations.
06:32À Bagofit, c'est dans la région de l'Est.
06:36Bien sûr Gaëlle, on va rester à l'Est, là où se trouve aussi Nana Wilson.
06:43A vibrant and competitive atmosphere is unfolding in the final phase
06:48of the Chantal Bier National Mountain Biking Competition in Bagofit,
06:52Sun City, and some cyclists have already crossed the finished line.
06:56Our special correspondent Walter Wilson Nana is on the ground to provide more details.
07:01Hello Nana Wilson.
07:05Hello patients, hello Gaëlle, welcome to this very festive atmosphere out here
07:11at the Jean Sembong Stadium out here in Bagofit, Sun City, where we are in the heart of the second
07:20edition of the Chantal Bier National Biking Competition. Already we have the prestigious
07:27results with Minister Joseph Anderson-Lee coming up as a winner and closely followed
07:33by Minister Jean Deje Momo. Of course, let's get a quick reaction of the two ministers.
07:39I'm a champion. A champion is a champion and remains a champion. You see, I would like to
07:47ask you people, where is Minister Momo? A very nice exercise, very good exercise
07:54for the promotion of sports. And we want to say thanks a lot, a million thanks to our First Lady
08:00who has accepted to accompany us. Let me congratulate myself for my performance of
08:09today. I just want to beat my own record. Minister Joseph Lee, the Minister Joseph Lee
08:15is very, very strong in this matter. In the Masters 2 category, we had Raoul Hevemba coming
08:24up as a winner. And of course, earlier on, Lady Maria Fejo came up as a winner in the female
08:32category. And Cluvis Camden Abosolo won as the winner of the elite category. It's a beautiful
08:41moment we're living out here as we are progressively getting to the close of the
08:47second edition of the Chantal Bia National Biking Competition out here in Bagofid Sun City,
08:53East Region of the Republic of Cameroon. At the camera, Joseph Silva-Fuwo. At the editing,
09:00Patrick Bebe. On the microphone, live from Bagofid Sun City, I am Walter Wilson Nana.
09:07Thank you very much, Nana Wilson. With those updates and courage to you and the rest of the
09:15team. The 2024 Sawa Cultural Festival, also known as the Gondo, rounds off this Sunday, December 1,
09:22with thrilling cultural activities along the banks of the river Vouri. The event has brought
09:28together sons and daughters along with Cameroonians from other regions and was presided over by the
09:34governor of the Littoral Region, Samuel Diodone Evadigwa, who is representing the Prime Minister.
09:41Let's now connect with our reporter Rabiatun Njenge, who is live on the banks of the river Vouri
09:47with updates. Hello, Rabiatun. Hello, good afternoon Yaounde and welcome to Mwala. Right
09:55now we are at the banks of the river Vouri, where activities marking the end of Gondo celebration,
10:02the Sawa Festival, is ongoing. This ceremony of today is being presided over by the governor of
10:08the Littoral Region, Samuel Diodone Evadigwa, personal representative of the Prime Minister,
10:14Head of Government and the Minister of Arts and Culture. So far, so good. The envoy transmitting
10:21the message from the population to the ancestors has already dived into the Vouri waters and he
10:28will be back anytime soon with a message to the Sawa people and this message is going to carry
10:34them all through the year of 2025. For this year, the theme was Jojo Gwanele, which is talking about...
10:45And we come back to Yaounde, where the National Museum has received an august guest, His Excellency
10:52Zhang Qingwei, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of
10:58China. He was greeted by a vibrant display of traditional Cameroonian dance and music performed
11:04by local cultural groups upon arrival there. And the Minister of Arts and Culture, Bidung Pak,
11:09alongside his delegation, guided Zhang Qingwei through the National Museum, showcasing Cameroon's
11:16cultural heritage. The National Museum of Cameroon is home to a vast collection of artifacts that
11:23tell of the story of Cameroon's history from pre-colonial times to the present day. And during
11:30his tour, Zhang Qingwei visited various showrooms, including those dedicated to Cameroon's history,
11:36notably emblematic figures and cultural artifacts, highlighting the country's four cultural zones,
11:42Sawa, Grassfields, Phangbeti and Sahelien.
12:12We will, of course, have our element, the report of Raisa Aoumou, which is not yet available for
12:36the moment. Nevertheless, we will continue with this other news. The National Museum
12:43welcomed another remark this Sunday, His Excellency Zhang Qingwei, Vice-Chairman of the
12:49Standing Committee of the National People's Assembly of China. He was received by the
12:55Minister of Arts and Culture. They particularly visited the rich Cameroonian cultural heritage.
13:04Je vous propose cet extrait du professeur Eumen Hugue, Directeur du Musée National.
13:34Je vous propose cet extrait du professeur Eumen Hugue, Directeur du Musée National.
14:04Je vous propose cet extrait du professeur Eumen Hugue, Directeur du Musée National.
14:35Célébrer le numérique en valorisant le divertissement, c'est le sens du concept mis sur
14:41pied par l'Association pour l'Univers Numérique. La série d'activités organisées à Yaoundé
14:47pour cette occasion s'est achevée par une soirée où de nombreuses personnes ont été
14:53primées. Michel-Renaud Ouangia. Récompenser les personnes qui se sont distinguées dans
14:58les actions grâce au web était l'objectif de l'activité organisée par l'Association
15:04pour l'Univers Numérique. Les acteurs des divers milieux sociaux professionnels ont
15:17ainsi reçu des distinctions. C'est le cas du ministre de la Santé Publique et le
15:22directeur général des douanes représentés au cours de cette cérémonie. Je voudrais
15:27simplement au nom du Monsieur le Ministre ici dire merci au comité d'organisation.
15:32L'administration de douane communique au quotidien. Nous avons un site web à jour et
15:38l'administration de douane est là au service du citoyen à travers internet.
15:42Autre moment important, le concours de la Miss Web.
15:46Travers ces filles que nous avons eues, qui est le Miss Web, nous avons eu 18 candidats.
15:50Aujourd'hui nous avons en finale 11 candidats.
15:51Il est donc question pour les jeunes de souffrir des atouts du digital.
15:58Our Lady of Benedictine Monastery in Montfeuille est en train de conclure une série d'événements
16:04qui célèbre son 60e anniversaire avec un massé spécial. Des centaines de chrétiens
16:10de partout au pays ont conversé là-bas pour l'occasion historique, en honneur de
16:15les contributions significatives des moines au développement de la faith chrétienne
16:21en Cameroun.
16:21Au cours des six dernières décennies, le massé a été officié par sa grâce,
16:27José Avellino Betancourt, l'Apostole Ignacio, à Cameroun et l'Equateur,
16:33et est atteint par Samuel Vondo Ayolo, le directeur ministre du cabinet civil
16:39à la présidence de la République et le représentant personnel de la présidence de la République.
16:45We will bring you more details on this story in our upcoming news editions.
16:52And we now talk about something else to say that as the 2024-2025 academic year gets on the way,
17:01the Universal Association for Divine Salvation and Social Development has launched a philanthropic
17:07tour across Yaoundé and the initiative aimed at supporting orphanages and vulnerable
17:15communities provide schools or school kids to underprivileged children.
17:20We have updates of that event with Chelsea Kwan.
17:26Education has been described as a key to breaking the cycle of poverty,
17:30yet for many underprivileged children, accessing basic school supplies remains a daily struggle.
17:36In response, the Universal Association for Divine Salvation and Social Development,
17:41in its philanthropic tour, has equipped vulnerable children
17:45with the tools they need to succeed in school.
17:48The tour, dubbed Tournée du Philanthrope, covers several orphanages in Yaoundé.
17:53At each stop, the organization distributes school kits containing notebooks,
17:57pens and other essential supplies aiming to relieve them of the financial burden of school.
18:03The goal of this philanthropic tour is only to show to all those vulnerable
18:09people that there is a hope for them. So I tell to each other that we have to give to people
18:17what we will receive also free of charge.
18:19For the beneficiaries, the initiative is timely.
18:22I want to thank you for giving us this book and I pray that God may bless you.
18:29The non-profit organization hopes to reinforce the importance of community efforts
18:34in fostering education and empowering the next generation.
18:39Experts in law and political science have highlighted good governance and transparency
18:44as essential factors in regulatory and eliminating unconstitutional and undemocratic
18:51political transitions in Africa.
18:53The statement follows a one-day conference organized by the Faculty of Law
18:57and Political Science at the University of Boya.
19:00Kangeleon Cesar reports.
19:04The conference was an opportunity for top researchers from across the country
19:09to lamplight to participants years of statistically analyzed data relating to
19:13unconstitutional political transitions not just in Cameroon but in Africa as a whole.
19:18Seeing that there have been changes in power across Africa which follows the unconstitutional
19:25model and there are perhaps reasons why so-called democratic governments are being
19:33overthrown through coups which are carried out by military juntas.
19:40The keynote address from visiting professor Alain Franklin-Ondua focused on the importance
19:45of a good governance model in Africa in a bid to improve the citizens' standards of living.
19:51Constitutionalism in Africa should be a value-based form of constitutionalism.
19:56That is one which takes into consideration or puts at the center
19:59the needs and the preferences of citizens, promotes good governance,
20:05good governance to ensure transparency and accountability of the powers that be.
20:11The expectation now is that the data made public will serve as a reference point for
20:17stakeholders in the domain of political science to eradicate non-democratic
20:21political transitions in Africa.
20:25Thank you very much Leon Cesar.
20:28We are going to be receiving a guest on set now and this is a head of the General Assembly of the
20:35Mozgoi people of the north region who will be gathering or converging on Yaoundé to discuss
20:42development issues on the 15th of December.
20:45And here with us is the president of the Yaoundé branch of Kodikam Gael whom you're going to
20:53be welcoming with the very first question.
20:55He is Mr. Amadou Zomba.
21:25Merci Madame Gael.
21:55That's right sir.
22:15And so tell us how this General Assembly is going to be helping your community to forge ahead.
22:21In what areas are you looking at investing to bring a better life for your people?
22:29Thank you for the question.
22:33The particular target that we have, we are projecting at the level of the
22:42Mozgoi chiefdom is the challenges that all of us know, particularly in the northern regions,
22:49the challenges of water.
22:50The challenges of education and the challenges of health.
22:55It is an obligation for us who have had the opportunity to reach Yaoundé that we are seeing
23:03what other people are doing here to accompany theirs that are still in their villages.
23:12We want to take the same opportunity to gather all the daughters and sons of a Mozgoi chiefdom
23:20based in Yaoundé accompanied by our friends, colleagues who are here in Yaoundé to give our
23:26cry so that they should help us to contribute for the various objectives that we are focusing on.
23:50Thank you very much, it is a pleasure to welcome you on the 12 o'clock platform, the 12 o'clock
23:53that continues precisely with this news, sound and color at the new building of the seat of the
24:00National Assembly.
24:02The inauguration ceremony of this imposing complex in the People's Republic of China took place
24:09this Saturday.
24:09It was on the presidency of the President of the National Assembly, the very honorable
24:14Kava Yege Djibril.
24:16Retour sur cette cérémonie avec le Chéri Até.
24:24And I think Gaëlle, we are not going to be having poor Chéri Até.
24:29And maybe just time for us to come back to highlight that today is Cameroon joins the
24:35international community to commemorate World AIDS Day under the theme, Take the Rights Part.
24:40My health, my right, the theme emphasizes the critical role of human rights in achieving
24:46the global targets of eradicating AIDS by 2030.
24:50And this is coming at a time HIV and AIDS remains a public health concern in Cameroon,
24:55given that the HIV and AIDS prevalence rate in the country currently stands at 2.7% Gaëlle.
25:10Press R with Ndak Hylian Dikon, thanks for being in our company.
25:40And see you.