• last year
Dave and Louise Whitfield have gone all out this year by transforming their home into a Halloween maze.
00:00I'm Dave Whitfield, otherwise known as Chucky, and I'm Louise, and tell us a bit more about
00:08what's happening here today. We're running our yearly haunt. So this is in your house,
00:16we are literally stood in front of your house and I've just been round and it is quite the setup,
00:21so tell us how did this come to be, how many years have you been doing this now? About seven now,
00:26seven years and it's evolved I guess from a much smaller thing into what it is today.
00:32Just did a little party one year and then the trick-or-treaters come round,
00:37and they've been texting other people saying come round, come round, come round, so we had a couple
00:41of hundred the first year and now we're up to a thousand. So you're expecting about a thousand
00:44people just tonight? Oh yeah, yeah. That's unbelievable, and how many people do you
00:50have help set this up or do you guys do it on your own? We do all the setting up, we've got
00:53a couple of helpers that are in there looking after stuff for us. So it's effectively at the
00:58back a live action maze, if you like, scare maze, and can anyone just come along? Yep, all welcome.
01:06So are you happy if you're happy to give out your address if people want to come down and have a look?
01:12You can't miss us, yeah exactly. All right well good luck tonight guys, thank you very much,
01:17you did get me twice, even though I knew what to expect I still got got, so thanks very much guys.
01:23Have a good evening, thank you, bye.
02:23Work this way, this way, you look good there again.