dari alexander rosanna scotto on200607xx
at 56k loads~6m28s---TITLE:dari alexander rosanna scotto on 200607xx ---INFO: Dari Alexander and Rosanna Scotto meet as the news changes anchors at the pre 6pm news...see they tag team vs the guy anchor : ). Two seperate days are shown, second is zoomD and slomo to show the paPOW of dari's legs---
A link to download the MPG after this VID is on youTube for a few weeks MIGHT be at yahoo's websmediawomen** Once at the yahoo group visit its LINKs area look for the "Go, See, Get" folder, In that folder categorized by name are links to MPG dwnlds. [http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/websmediawomen/]
A link to download the MPG after this VID is on youTube for a few weeks MIGHT be at yahoo's websmediawomen** Once at the yahoo group visit its LINKs area look for the "Go, See, Get" folder, In that folder categorized by name are links to MPG dwnlds. [http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/websmediawomen/]