• 4 months ago
Anabella Prodan spoke to young people in Sheffield about their views on the 2024 General Election and the Conservative Party - June 12, 2024
00:00I'm here in Sheffield to ask young people about the general election coming up on the 4th of July.
00:06We look at how recent events by the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have influenced voting for those aged under 25.
00:15Annabella Pruden with National World.
00:18It's clearly indicating that this country, at least under the Tory government, is pushing a drive towards militarism and a drive towards nationalism
00:37because ultimately I think that they know that that's what's going to get them votes.
00:42I personally don't agree with it. I'm anti-war. I'm anti-arms sales.
00:48I think it's deplorable that the government would try and trick young people or coerce young people into basically serving for the army.
00:58I think it shows that this whole ploy around the National Service and around this whole militarist drive is really hollow.
01:07He doesn't care about the veterans. He doesn't care about the people who fought for our freedom.
01:12He just wants to do it as a publicity thing or something that will improve his chances in the election, I think.
01:20The National Service scheme, I think, is a really interesting ploy from the Conservative Party to try and appeal to older voters,
01:28appeal to an older mindset of duty to the country, but I really don't think it's a good scheme whatsoever.
01:36I feel like it's unpaid labour, forcing young people to pick up the slack where the Tories have dropped the ball
01:44on improving funding for public services such as the NHS and firefighters and all those things they're trying to get us involved with
01:51or get us into the military, which is the alternative option, the alternative paid option.
01:56Either way, I think it is a horrific, horrific scheme that is definitely unpopular with the young people
02:02and I hope that shows in the election.
02:06I definitely will be voting. I think it's incredibly important to exercise your right to vote, which people have died for.
02:14As a woman, people have died for my right to vote, so I'm definitely not going to take it for granted.
02:18So, yeah, I will be voting and I think it's really important that young people get out there and vote
02:24because otherwise, I think we can all agree, what's going on at the minute isn't doing well
02:31and the only way that we can get change happening is if you get out and vote and vote for a different party.
