"I'm 52 but trolls say I look 82 and haggard"

  • 4 months ago
A 52-year-old mum who was trolled for looking 82 and "haggard" says women don't like to see others doing well.

Nerys Middleton was shocked at the comments when she put a TikTok video up asking 'how old do I look?'.

She said the comments ranged from people saying she looked as young as 30 to 82.

Nerys says "vile" trolls told her she was "full of Botox" and to "show us your neck".

The mum-of-one is confident in herself but was saddened by the abuse online - especially from other women.

Nerys, who works in nursing, from Chester, Cheshire, said: "The comments raged from early 30s to 82.

"They said I'm full of Botox and fillers - which I'm not.

"Some people say your face is not moving. They said I'm 72 and haggard.

"Women are not supporting other women anymore."

Nerys was able to dismiss the nasty comments but says she did realise she sometimes used filters too much on Instagram.

She said: "People are afraid of putting pictures on without a filter.

"Everyone filters their photos.

"I can understand why people use filters.

"It's a wake up call."

Nerys has always lived a healthy lifestyle and eats an organic vegetarian diet, loves fashion and skincare and keeps active.

She said: "I look after myself.

"I'm a very sophisticated dresser.

"I don't think other women like to see other women doing well.

"A lot of 50-year-olds don't have the confidence to do anything.

"When you hit 50 people expect you to be invisible.

"Women should be supporting women.

"If women stop supporting then we have got nobody."


00:00how old do I look what's my age I've got no filter no foundation I've got no
00:08contour no nothing like that I've just got some white eyeliner on because I'm
00:12tired and I've got some vaseline on my lips so this is my natural skin
00:19how old am I let me see your neck okay there's my neck no filter I'm not
00:41understanding why people think that to look okay at a mature age that we have
00:51to have loads and loads of work done and things like that there is such a thing
00:56of just looking after yourself all through your life I mean that is what
01:05I've done that is what I've always done and I eat very healthy I don't eat
01:10processed foods I don't drink alcohol I don't smoke cigarettes I try not to go
01:16in the Sun and what else I keep my weight down to my BMI oh that's it make
01:30sure I have at least eight hours sleep a night yeah it's it's it's really not
01:36that hard and I think people expect to just live wild from their teens until
01:44their early 30s and then think oh it's okay I can get cosmetic surgery and do
01:49all that all that and I make myself look a bit younger but it's I tell my son
01:55this because he eats a lot of sugary foods what you're putting into your body
01:59is how your body is gonna look on the outside so if you're eating crap all day
02:05every day drinking wine every night beer whatever it is gonna show on your
02:10skin and but you know but if you're if you're eating you know I'm vegetarian so
02:15I eat a ton load of fruit and vegetables every day because nothing else to eat is
02:18there and fish and I drink two and a half 2.5 litres of water a day I drink
02:29green tea yeah I'm I'm just I'm just super healthy and exercise I try and
02:39exercise but my job is quite physical so I walk like fill 14,000 steps a day on
02:46my job so I don't really need to go to the gym that much but yeah there is such
02:52a thing of just look after yourselves don't expect you know people to fix it
03:00for you I see so many people coming into hospital that younger and younger and
03:05younger with all sorts going wrong with their bodies etc and you have just got
03:13to look after it yourself you can't expect to abuse your own bodies and then
03:19expect somebody to fix it for you because you're the only one who can do
03:26that you're the only one who can look after yourselves so yeah stop saying
03:30look let me look at your neck let me look at this let me look at that you
03:34look at my boobs next okay have a good day and God bless you all
