FTS 12:30 24-05: Argentina: police repress workers demanding higher wages in Misiones

  • 4 months ago
FTS 12.30
*ICJ orders Israel to halt offensive on Rafah
*Russian authorities highlight Ukraine’s involvement in Crocus city hall attack


00:00The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to hold its offensive in the southern
00:15Gaza city of Rafah.
00:20In Argentina, the conflict in the province of Misiones escalates as security forces repress
00:25the demonstration of teachers and health personnel in front of the provincial legislature.
00:35And Russian authorities assured that the main intelligence directorate of the Ukrainian
00:39Ministry of Defense was heavily involved in the attack against the Cracow City Hall on
00:45March 22.
00:52Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:54My name is Belén de los Santos, and from the Telesero studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin
00:58with the news.
01:16Judges at the top United Nations court ordered Israel to halt its offensive in the southern
01:20Gaza city of Rafah.
01:22The order was announced on Friday at a hearing regarding the case brought by South Africa
01:27accusing Israel of genocide.
01:29The UN top court alleged immense risk to the Palestinian population to back its decision.
01:35This comes after South Africa requested extra provisional measures at a hearing held last
01:40week which concerned in particular the critical situation faced by Palestinians in Rafah,
01:46the southernmost city in Gaza where 1.4 million Palestinians had taken refuge and is now being
01:53targeted by Israeli army.
01:55In response to this, Judge Nawaf Salam indicated that Israel should halt all the actions immediately.
02:06The court considered that in conformity with obligations under the Genocide Convention,
02:12Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah
02:18governorate which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could
02:25bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
02:32For its part, and following the ICJ ruling, Israeli fighter jets targeted houses and roads
02:37in Rafah's al-Shabouda refugee camp, resulting in a number of casualties.
02:42Meanwhile, Israeli artillery targeted the vicinity of the Abu Yusuf al-Najjar hospital
02:46and surrounding neighborhoods.
02:49The total number of Palestinians killed as a result of Israeli attacks in Gaza after
02:54October 7th surpasses the 35,800, while over 80,000 have been injured without counting
03:02bodies under the rubble.
03:09We stay in Palestine as Israeli occupation army maintains an intense siege on Gaza while
03:14health authorities warn of an impending humanitarian catastrophe.
03:19Palestinian health authorities warned of a deepening humanitarian catastrophe and denounced
03:23that Israel is deliberately leaving hospitals in the Gaza Strip out of service.
03:29In this regard, the director of the Al-Aqsa hospital said on Friday that the hospital
03:33was left without power after running out of fuel as a result of the Israeli blockade.
03:43The management of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital warns of an imminent humanitarian and health
03:48catastrophe unless the hospital is supplied with fuel in the coming hours.
03:52The hospital management considers this a pressure on the medical staff and the health sector,
03:57which is already depleted, to put the hospitals in the Gaza Strip completely out of service.
04:04And the Palestinian cause is of high importance to the Syrian government and its people, who
04:09despite foreign pressures bear no effort in demanding the legitimate rights of their Palestinian
04:15brothers and sisters.
04:16Telusor correspondent in Damascus, Hesham Mouanou, offers more details.
04:21The Damascus branch of the Syrian Bar Association organized a conference entitled the Palestinian
04:28State and Future Prospects in International Law, a colloquium that is part of a legal
04:34management carried out by Syrian lawyers in the international arena to modernize the worldwide
04:38recognition of an independent Palestinian state that enjoys full membership in the United
04:43Nations General Assembly and other international forums.
04:46There is a global consensus on the establishment of a Palestinian state, but the United States,
04:54in support of the Israeli occupation entity, stands against this global consensus and yet
05:00the right to be recovered by its true owners, and much they do.
05:04The occupied lands will be liberated and recovered by their Palestinian owners, and we will witness
05:10the descent of the State of Palestine as a member state in all international forums.
05:16In parallel, dozens of Palestinians and Syrians denounced in front of the headquarters of
05:22the International Committee of the Red Cross in Damascus the inhuman Israeli practices
05:26against Palestinian prisoners, regretted the loss of the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi,
05:32as one of the main defenders of rights of these detainees, and praised the battle being
05:36waged by resistance fighters in Gaza to free their kidnapped brothers in occupation prisons.
05:43We regret the loss of the great leader Raisi, who at the head of the Islamic Republic of
05:47Iran always defended our rights, including the release of Palestinian prisoners in occupation
05:53prisons, and we trust that the Iranian people will have hundreds of leaders who will undoubtedly
05:58follow the path of President Raisi in defense of the just causes of the peoples of the world,
06:04and in particular, our cause.
06:09There are thousands of children of our people kidnapped in Zionist prisons, whose release
06:15is among the main objectives of the Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa, that was unleashed in response
06:22to the relentless Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, and thanks to this
06:27operation, many Israelis were held hostage in exchange for our prisoners who suffered
06:33years ago in the occupation prisons.
06:37The activities taking place in Syria in defense of the rights of the Palestinian people coincided
06:41with the strong support shown for the just Palestinian cause at the funeral ceremonies
06:46of President Ebrahim Raisi and his comrades in Iran.
06:50Two pillars of the Axis of Resistance, which despite all the adversities, do not give up
06:54their firm support for the Palestinians in their struggle for the liberation of their
06:58occupied land.
07:03Meanwhile, in Germany, police evicted pro-Palestinian activists who had been occupying different
07:11areas of the Humboldt University campus since Wednesday.
07:15The operation took place after 6 p.m.
07:18The 6 p.m. ultimatum the university rector, Julia von Blumenthal, had given the students
07:24Several demonstrators were forcibly removed by the police, while others withdrew voluntarily.
07:30In a statement, activists from the Berlin Student Coalition Group accused Israel of
07:34genocide and claimed that their action was intended to demonstrate their unconditional
07:40solidarity with the Palestinian people.
07:44And now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TVPacat, Telus or English
07:51where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
07:56Other stories coming up, stay with us.
08:00Welcome back from the south.
08:16In Argentina, the conflict in the province of Misiones escalates.
08:20On Thursday, security forces repressed a demonstration of teachers and health personnel in front
08:26of the provincial legislature.
08:28The demonstrators were repressed with baton, tear gas and rubber bullets as they tried
08:32to enter the legislature, hoping to be heard by the deputies in their demand of 100 percent
08:38salary increase.
08:39After the clashes, the demonstrators decided to protest in front of the house of Governor
08:44Hugo Pazalacua.
08:46After a week of protest initiated by the police, roadblocks and encampments are maintained
08:51at different points of the province, and more sectors are joining in the struggle for higher
08:56salaries after the workers' purchasing power plummeted in the country.
09:05Today I looked at the police, I could not believe it, I could not.
09:09How dangerous can the people's claim be?
09:11At the house of the people, that is the chamber of deputies, and none of the deputies came
09:16out to stand by the people.
09:18That hurts too.
09:19And it hurts because they seem to lose direction, they lose their sensibility, they forget about
09:24the people.
09:27In Peru, on Thursday, hundreds of teachers held a demonstration in several regions of
09:31the country as part of the 24-hour strike in demand of increases in their salaries.
09:37The mobilization was organized by the Unitary Union of Education Workers, which comprises
09:43around 350,000 public education teachers.
09:47It should be noted that the monthly salary of teachers in Peru oscillates around the
09:51$800, not enough to meet the growing needs of Peruvian educators who are demanding a
09:57solution to their requirements for decent salaries and pensions.
10:02In this way, the teachers rallied through the streets of Lima, headquarters of the Ministry
10:08of Education, while similar protests were held in the regions of Cusco, Tacna, Arequipa
10:15and Ucayali.
10:20We don't want to lose classes, because tomorrow is going to be a task that will add to the
10:25ones we already have.
10:27But because of the inattention of the government, we have taken this measure of struggle.
10:35We are demanding that the minimum wage be increased by $130.
10:40We believe that this is important because now, with the high cost of living, our salaries
10:45have been totally reduced and there are many needs that we teachers have.
10:50In other news, in the United States, on Thursday, the Republican presidential candidate Donald
10:54Trump lashed out against immigrants at a new campaign stop in New York City.
11:00At a rally held in the largely black and Hispanic neighborhood of South Bronx, Trump tried to
11:05portray immigrants from China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries
11:10as a threat to the stability of the country and to the American society.
11:14Similarly, he made efforts to link, without evidence, the volume of immigrants caught
11:19illegally crossing the Mexican border to the difficult situation of Hispanic and black
11:24voters, arguing that the immigrants were taking their jobs.
11:29The rally comes as an effort to gain the favor of minority voter days, days before a jury
11:35deliberates on his criminal harsh money trial.
11:42We're going to bring safety back to our streets.
11:45We're going to bring success back to our schools.
11:48We're going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest
11:54city in our land.
11:55We're going to reduce taxes.
11:57We're going to bring businesses and big taxpayers back to New York.
12:04The director of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Alexander Bortnikov, assured that
12:09the main intelligence directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was heavily
12:13involved in an attack against Krakow City Hall on March 22nd.
12:18The official stated that Kiev's aim was to use religious and national factors to damage
12:24Moscow's relations with the member countries of the Community of Independent States.
12:28Bortnikov also said that the attack that killed 145 people was financed and coordinated by
12:35members of the Islamic State affiliate in Afghanistan known as ISIS-Khorasan.
12:41The Russian director also added that the investigation of the case is continuing and promised that
12:46all the circumstances of the crime would be clarified and that none of the perpetrators
12:51would escape punishment.
12:58In Belarus, the president of Russia Vladimir Putin met with his counterpart Alexander Lukashenko
13:04after arriving in Minsk.
13:06The president had a brief talk at the airport where the Belarusian leader greeted his foreign
13:10counterpart before holding bilateral dialogues.
13:14According to a statement issued by the Kremlin during these talks, the presidents were expected
13:18to discuss paths to further consolidate their partnership and to debate future joint projects
13:24in trade and economy.
13:32Our colleagues have done a lot recently with their direct involvement and support.
13:36We will talk about all of this today and tomorrow, including the security issues, to which you
13:41are constantly paying great attention.
13:43This is also something to talk about.
13:45Everything is going well and stable for us.
13:48Let's talk, of course, about the drills, about the second phase of the drills.
13:52This is connected with the direct participation of our Belarusian friends and colleagues in
13:56the military sphere.
13:59For his part, the Belarusian president Lukashenko welcomed the arrival in Minsk of his Russian
14:07I welcome you to the Belarusian land, which is your home.
14:11The Belarusian people will be very glad to know that you have come to us.
14:16After the elections, this is one of your first visits after the People's Republic of China,
14:20our friends.
14:22We have a final short break coming up.
14:24But before, we invite you to join our WhatsApp community for our English-speaking audience.
14:28You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly and also share the link to reach
14:32more people.
14:34Continuous coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of the world.
14:38Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
14:40Final short break.
14:41Don't go away.
14:59Welcome back to From the South.
15:01In Geneva on Friday, over 190 nations agreed on passing a new treaty to fight off biopiracy
15:08after the onset of negotiations within the United Nations World Intellectual Property
15:14The treaty knuckles down to regulate patents stemming from the genetic resources as medical
15:19plants, particularly those coming from traditional knowledge, so that the rights of the indigenous
15:25people get respected.
15:27In this regard, on May 13th, the Huni Kuin Chief General Ninahuainu claimed companies
15:32stole their traditional knowledge and got profits from it.
15:36In this context, the goal of the treaty is to ensure that countries and communities concerned
15:41agree on harnessing genetic resources and traditional knowledge.
15:51In this regard, Brazilian Ambassador Guilherme de Aguilar Patriota, who led negotiations
15:55on biopiracy, shared his views on the topic.
15:58It's an important, it's a historic moment.
16:02I was recalling as we were preparing for this how many years we have been dedicated to the
16:10cause of a disclosure requirement on genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.
16:18There is currently no disclosure of origin requirement, no treaty dealing with it.
16:26This is the first ever such document.
16:41Now we move on to other topics.
16:43In Papua New Guinea, a landslide hit the Kawakalam village, bringing about at least
16:48100 deaths.
16:49The incident occurred at around 3 a.m. local time on Friday in the Enga province, some
16:55600 kilometers northwest of the Papuan capital, Moresby Port.
17:01The government has not issued an official death toll yet, but locals and media fear
17:05that it could be over 100.
17:08According to testimonies, the landslide shattered village houses into pieces, blocking a road.
17:14The Prime Minister, James Marapi, offered his condolences and announced sending rescue
17:20teams to the site.
17:26Meanwhile in Pakistan, people are suffering the effects of an extreme regional heat wave,
17:30which could persist for another 12 days.
17:33Many environmental experts claim that the green areas coupled with the climate crisis
17:42are some factors contributing to the high temperatures in the country.
17:46The extreme weather has compromised hospital operations due to the influx of patients with
17:51heat strokes and forced them temporarily to shut down schools to protect children.
17:58In this context, charities have been setting up stands to offer cold water to the population,
18:04while specialists stress the importance of staying hydrated and urge citizens to avoid
18:09unnecessary commutes.
18:16On Thursday, the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offered a forecast
18:22of how the 2024 North Atlantic hurricane season could play out.
18:27According to the weather agency, the season could be intense in several aspects due to
18:31warm temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean and conditions in the Pacific Ocean.
18:35In the sense, it forecasts between four and seven hurricanes of Category 3 or higher,
18:42while weather analyst Rick Spinrad confirmed that man-made climate change is warming the
18:47oceans and melting ice on land, causing sea levels to rise and exacerbating storm surges.
18:54The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season was the fourth most active on record, with 20 named
18:59storms forming.
19:01For the range of storms expected, NOAA calls for the following, 17 to 25 named storms with
19:12a top-sustained wind of at least 39 miles per hour.
19:15Of these, eight to 13 are forecast to become hurricanes.
19:23The Atlantic hurricane season is the period of a year from June 1 to November 30 when
19:29tropical storms or hurricanes are most likely to form in the Caribbean and North Atlantic.
19:34Indeed, there have been many hurricanes devastating countries in the region in the current century,
19:39such as Hurricane Sandy in 2012 that claimed the lives of 235 people in the Caribbean and
19:45North America and caused approximately $53 million in damages.
19:52Another hurricane was Hurricane Joaquin in 2015, which caused 36 deaths and around $100
19:59million in destruction, with a high incidence in the Bahamas.
20:03Precisely, the latest one to desolate nations was Hurricane Irma in 2017, shaking the Caribbean
20:11and the U.S., with 55 deaths and more than $300 million in losses.
20:23In this context, Haiti's National Emergency Operations Center reported the upcoming hurricane
20:28season will be hyperactive.
20:31According to the entity, the Antillean nation will face 23 named phenomena, including 11
20:36potential hurricanes.
20:38In this regard, the Haitian Center highlighted the importance of preventing human and material
20:43damages and the need to improve the communication of information and warnings to the population
20:49and the press.
20:54And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:57You can find these and many other stories on our website at tellusorenglish.net and
21:01also join us on social media.
21:03We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and also on TikTok.
21:07For Tellusore English, my name is Belen De Los Santos.
21:10Thank you for watching.
